Why I’m starting a blog

I love to write, Though, my spelling, grammar and punctuation often need some help, hmm… maybe I should find someone to edit these. But all the same I love putting thoughts to paper.


I have wanted to start a blog for years, I felt I had a lot I could share and help people with. Whether as a young military wife trying to make my home beautiful on a single income in base housing with strict rules as to what you could and could not do to your house. Or as a mother who dove into natural childbirth and researched ALL THE THINGS and became passionate about it. Or later when we moved to Okinawa Japan and I felt there was SO much I learned and could have written about, that could have been incredibly helpful to other military spouses moving there! the kind of guidance I would have loved! everything from how to navigate living off base in a Japanese house (what even are Japanese drains?). how to find stuff in the grocery store, local etiquette and holidays. even sharing our favorite spots on the island. not to mention birthing in a Japanese birth center and the craziness of trying to get a birth certificate. 


I really regret not starting this blog then, but better late than never. Now I feel I have insight to offer into other things, a big one being, contentment where you are. Especially if like me you are waiting and dreaming of one day having a few acres of your own and a homestead. And how you can start that now! I feel like there are a million posts and blogs out there about this, and they all say pretty much the same things 1- start cooking from scratch, 2- start a container garden 3-compost 4- learn a skill. and to some extent they are right, BUT HOW? where do I even start? what if I have 3 children and no time? My hope is to make this more practical and offer some personal insight into all of this. I’m in the same place, let’s walk this together.


Now, obviously I don’t have all the answers, but I’m sure you knew that. However! if you are looking for a book with all the answers and no mistakes, then I actually can recommend a book for you, I even know the author personally and He loves hearing from his fans and answering questions, since sometimes the answers in his book are a little hard to find or are not super clear. But as for this blog, I’m sure I will make mistakes and edits later and even change my views on a subject here and there. maybe even you reader will change my mind on something or teach me something new. but learning, growing and changing is part of being human.


You know what else is human? Creativity. We get it from our heavenly Father who created everything. and I want my blog to express that, I love creating beautiful and yummy things. I often get remarks on things I’ve made like “wow you made that?! I wish I could _________” fill in the blank, sew, bake, knit, can, etc. And that is the main purpose of this blog, to help you learn those skills so you can create your own beautiful marvelous things, so you can feel the pride and joy of all the work and thought that you put into a beautiful new skirt, and see the delight on the faces of your family as the eat the delicious and nutritious dinner you made. I think we’ve lost our sense of pride and accomplishment in a job well done or an item carefully and skillfully made, and I want to bring that back. but I’m sure you will hear me talk about that over and over again in these posts so I wont delve into it here.


And through all of that, I want to use these pages to tell you about my Savior and all he has done and taught me, if you get nothing else from these posts I want you to see the goodness of God. I guess this blog is my own personal little mission field. neat.


I’m a little overwhelmed with where to start but I have a whole list in my notebook of subjects and ideas, I’m also always open to ideas so tell me what do you want to read about? is there a skill you’ve always wanted to learn?

Thanks for reading! I’m excited you are here!